
The Best Place Is Home: Finding a Sense of Home Wherever You Go

How to Overcome the Familiar and Connect with Your Spiritual Spirit

Wherever you travel, there are some places where you feel unhappy and uncomfortable, like you don't belong. This feeling is a sign that you're not getting authenticity in that place. But instead of shrugging your shoulders and settling for the familiar, consider seeking out a place that feels like home.

One such place is my inn, 3Dollars Blogger Inn. It's a place that I keep authentic with my body and soul, and it's the best place you can visit to feel at home or to come home to yourself.

As human beings, we seek assurance and familiarity, even when circumstances and other people treat us unhealthily. But this need for familiarity can be limiting, as it prevents us from connecting with our spiritual spirit.

If you're eager to find comfort, it's time to get away from the familiar and seek out something new. Choose to listen to your instincts and try something different, even if it feels wrong or uncomfortable at first.

Think of it as the WYDYWGI system of living: "What You Do You Will Get It." If you keep doing the same things and following what you think is right, you'll keep getting the same results. But if you're willing to make a change and step outside of your comfort zone, you can create new possibilities and opportunities for growth.

One way to do this is by visiting new places and experiencing new things. And if you're looking for a place to start, I invite you to come to my inn, where you can feel right at home and support your spiritual spirit.

Located in the Wonosari village near Malang, East Java, Indonesia, 3Dollars Blogger Inn is a simple yet authentic inn that offers a welcoming and peaceful atmosphere. Whether you're traveling alone or with loved ones, our goal is to make you feel at home and to help you connect with your spiritual self.

So if you're ready to step outside of the familiar and find a place that feels like home, come visit us at 3Dollars Blogger Inn. We look forward to welcoming you with open arms.

Best of luck to you!

Thank you for taking the time to read our article. We hope it has been informative and helpful for you. If you are interested in purchasing our unique and competitive templates or our installation services, please visit our shop on  ko-fi. Thank you again for your support.

We would be delighted to have you visit us and are eager to provide you with our warmest hospitality. If you're interested in booking the room at our inn, please visit our  Airbnb page, where you can submit your booking request and we'll respond promptly. Thank you for considering us, and we hope to have the opportunity to host you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Drinking with the Heart: A Soulful Relationship with Coffee


I'm proud of him. I love him. Really, I really need him. He is my lifesaver. He is my loyal friend.

If it weren't for him accompanying me every day, I wouldn't be able to live a normal life like I do now. I may have a character that is crazy, reckless, evil, greedy, jealous, spiteful, and miserly because of the desires of the flesh that always want to be fulfilled.

He is pure bitter coffee. Pure coffee without sugar.

Every day, I drink five cups of bitter coffee.

I sip it little by little whenever I need it, not because I'm thirsty, but to relieve my feelings that have begun to be filled with unrelieved emotions.

It's like this bitter coffee is the cleanser and guardian of my soul.

Every stream of coffee water that flows little by little into my body can clean the inner dirt that is stuck in my heart. My heart is refreshed again, my soul is awakened again, and my mind has the strength to work again.

My dark soul found the right way to heal it. He asked for pure bitter coffee for me to drink. My soul demands me to do it...even though my tongue doesn't like it.

My soul has taught me not to taste food with the tongue but with the heart.

Because of this demand of my soul, I'm not afraid anymore that my body will get sick because of coffee. I'm not afraid that my stomach will hurt, that I'll have a blocked vein, or that I'll have high blood pressure. I'm normal, I'm healthy, I'm happy because I follow the demands of my soul, drinking pure bitter coffee.

I thank my self-knowing soul.


*Thanks, coffee!

Thank you for taking the time to read our article. We hope it has been informative and helpful for you. If you are interested in purchasing our unique and competitive templates or our installation services, please visit our shop on  ko-fi. Thank you again for your support.

We would be delighted to have you visit us and are eager to provide you with our warmest hospitality. If you're interested in booking the room at our inn, please visit our  Airbnb page, where you can submit your booking request and we'll respond promptly. Thank you for considering us, and we hope to have the opportunity to host you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

3Dollars Blogger Inn

The Story Behind the Name of 3Dollars Blogger Inn

My inn has had two names in the past - Pak Djenggot and Gpros Farmer. The current name is 3Dollars Blogger Inn, which was inspired by my son and me starting our own business of developing websites and blog templates.

I changed the name of the inn to give it a new soul and attract more visitors. The old name, Pak Djenggot, was my late father's nickname, who was known for his supernatural abilities. He helped many people, and our inn was always full when he was alive. However, after his passing, gradually, the inn was abandoned by its customers.

To revive the inn, I tried farming, but it did not generate enough income to sustain it. So, I had to think of another way to attract visitors, and I thought of targeting tourists from abroad. Hence, I changed the name to Gpros Farmer's Guest House, hoping to attract international visitors.

However, it was challenging to attract visitors, and I had to give up farming after four years. But I did not give up on the inn. I realized that I needed a marketing object, and that's when the idea of becoming a writer came to me.

Despite being challenging, I started learning to become a genuine writer. My son also learned programming and started developing weblog/blog templates for bloggers. In early January 2023, we formed our own business, 3dollars Blogger, Website, and Blog Template Developer, which inspired us to name our inn as 3Dollars Blogger Inn.

Our inn offers 12 large rooms, and we prioritize friendship and unity. Each room has a large bed that can accommodate five or three people. We keep the original origins of our inn and do not modernize it. We offer cultural exchange and show tourists how we live and work in Indonesia.

At our inn, we offer traditional hot baths cooked using firewood. We also take tourists on tours of the villages in our area and offer Indonesian cooking lessons. Our goal is to provide tourists with beautiful memories when they visit our inn.

3Dollars Blogger Inn is a simple Inn located in Wonosari village near Malang, East Java, Indonesia. We offer honesty and sincerity that we continue to develop and hope to attract more visitors to our inn.

Thank you for taking the time to read our article. We hope it has been informative and helpful for you. If you are interested in purchasing our unique and competitive templates or our installation services, please visit our shop on  ko-fi. Thank you again for your support.

We would be delighted to have you visit us and are eager to provide you with our warmest hospitality. If you're interested in booking the room at our inn, please visit our  Airbnb page, where you can submit your booking request and we'll respond promptly. Thank you for considering us, and we hope to have the opportunity to host you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Discovering the Right Path to Earn Money with Integrity

First, I used to produce money by selling clothes and pants bought by my mother, or given by my parents' friends to second-hand clothes sellers. It ended with my mother's anger, and finally, I had to stop producing money that way. I was 15 years old then. It was the wrong way, but I still wonder about myself. I’m 50 years old, and I still can’t produce money decently. If I get money, it's either because someone helped me, or I had to sell something or work for them first. I felt like I was being taken advantage of, as I had to work hard for money, and it felt like being a beggar.

I had to keep the fire of spirit in me so that it continues to burn. I had to keep my brain healthy and clear, so that I could still use my mind properly. I kept thinking, thinking, and thinking about how I can produce money decently. I've had years of failure. I started working seriously when I was 18 years old. I started by selling mung bean pillows, and then became a barber, made bamboo pot crafts, ran a food depot, grocery store, boss's personal driver, lottery seller, narcotics seller, opened a cassava cheese stall, became an incense seller, and finally printing, which ended in 2011. I had to go back to my parents' house, "Pak Djenggot's inn," which now - I named it "3Dollars Blogger" inn on the online network.

Everything I tried was in vain because my way of getting money was to be helped or given, or you could say, I was like a beggar who had to spend capital or work first to get money. My parents had passed away when I returned home. I started taking care of their inn, which has a donation system (people pay by donating when they stay at our inn).

In 2014, to support myself and my son, I had to farm. I grew vegetables and sold them at the local market. So, while looking after, caring for, and occupying the inn left by my parents, I farmed, which, in the end, I had to stop because the selling price was not worth it.

This was where deep experiences filled my life. I understood life, and my destiny unfolded. The system created by my parents, especially my dad, is a system that is very difficult for people nowadays to carry out. An inn with a system of people donating, or what I usually call volunteering or paying sincerely for the stay. I have to be honest and sincere to serve guests, who are mostly Chinese.

Now, I understand why, when I started working all this time, since I was 18 years old, I always failed. I was always treated lightly, like a beggar, and it seemed as if I was being helped when I was trying to get money, even though I had to work and spend capital for my business.

First, I blamed my parents, especially my dad. Why did he build an inn with a voluntary system that caused our whole family to live because of other people's donations? So that I, as the last child, must continue to suffer with no dignity in the eyes of the Chinese and the native Indonesians who work with them.

I repeat my earlier statement. This was where deep experiences filled my life. I understood life, and my destiny unfolded. I understood human nature. Whatever the ethnicity or nation, all behavior is based on a majority tendency. Every human being has bad and good qualities, regardless of ethnicity or nation, but the majority form a pattern that indeed was created in this world. They'll never change.

An example of my question is: which ethnicities or nations are more prone to plagiarism, lack compassion and remorse, and show no gratitude for the harm they have caused? Can you answer this honestly?

Are there any ethnicities or nations that fit the description above?

The majority refers to the ethnicity or nation of....................

The majority often demonstrates behavior that cannot be easily changed, for better or for worse.

Fortunately, I started learning English in 2014 with my son. I joined Facebook to make new friends, especially from Western countries. Now, I have accounts on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Elo, and others.

Starting in 2017, I started to notice changes in my thoughts, feelings, and personality. I began making friends with Westerners from America, Canada, France, Italy, England, Australia, Lithuania, and other Western countries.

I also started reading many books.

Thanks to the development of the internet, from 3G to 5G, I could access many free e-books from remarkable people like Bob Proctor, Brian Tracy, Sonia Ricotti, Christy Whitman, and others. I'm currently studying The Law of Attraction, and I have a great teacher who lives in Canada.

To reiterate, these were profound experiences that filled my life. I gained an understanding of life, and my destiny began to unfold.

I used to blame my dad, but now I realize that he and my mom possessed strengths and virtues that I now deeply admire. They possessed the power of kindness, knowledge, and experience.

My dad was a spiritual practitioner who could see and read people's futures, also known as a fortune-teller. He never demanded a specific fee but accepted donations or volunteered his services.

My mother was an honest and innocent person who often gave in to the native people of Java (my mother was Javanese, and my father was Chinese). In her coffee and clove plantation business, the yield was often stolen, but she never got angry. She would only take what was left, and she managed to survive until the end of her life.

This inspired me to become a writer. I wanted to possess certain virtues and strengths, just like my parents. Although I am 100% like my mother, I cannot be 100% like my dad. I only inherited a few of his characteristics: his courage, determination, enthusiasm, and tenacity.

I was also inspired to learn how to make money decently, which I achieved by becoming a writer. Now, my son is a website and blog template developer. Together, we continue to manage and care for my parents' inn with sincerity and honesty.

To achieve this, I defined three tasks I must do: write for my son, keep a journal for myself, and finally, write about the inn. "Weblog Template Design, My Journal, and The Inn Life."

I became a proofreader and editor for my son's content and also his copywriter.

I will provide interesting and useful content to viewers related to my son's work, myself, and the inn we manage.

My son does an excellent job as a website and blog template developer. He works professionally and with trust, honesty, and sincerity. We named our company 3Dollars Blogger, Website and Blog Template Developer.

I also feature our inn on Airbnb and named it 3Dollars Blogger Inn.

Through all of this, I can hope and feel that it is possible to make money in the right and decent way.

However, to become a writer, I need to market myself. I need to learn English well, or else my writing or copy will not be interesting and not read by viewers.

With great joy and gratitude, my son now has his own shop. He joined Ko-fi to showcase his work, and he has also created his own blog called "3Dollars Blogger."

We are hopeful that our dream of making money in the right and decent way can come true.

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Thank you for taking the time to read our article. We hope it has been informative and helpful for you. If you are interested in purchasing our unique and competitive templates or our installation services, please visit our shop on  ko-fi. Thank you again for your support.

We would be delighted to have you visit us and are eager to provide you with our warmest hospitality. If you're interested in booking the room at our inn, please visit our  Airbnb page, where you can submit your booking request and we'll respond promptly. Thank you for considering us, and we hope to have the opportunity to host you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Love Cake Template: Affordable and High-Quality Website Template for Food and Beverage Businesses

3Dollars Blogger is a website that offers affordable and high-quality website and blogger templates for businesses and individuals who want to create their online presence. With the slogan "Keep Low - Keep High," 3Dollars Blogger aims to provide low-priced products without compromising the quality of their templates.

One of their latest products is the Love Cake Template, which costs only $3. This fully responsive template is designed specifically for those who work with foods and beverages. It features a clean and modern design that highlights your cake creations and attracts potential customers to your website.

The Love Cake Template is also 100% mobile-friendly, which means it looks great on all devices, including smartphones and tablets. With two spaces on the header, you can showcase your company name and logo along with a mouth-watering image of your cakes or your store's appearance.

The main page of the Love Cake Template features a handy post thumbnail that displays the title of your post, a brief review of your article, and social media buttons that allow visitors to share your content with a single click. This feature makes it easy for you to promote your cakes and desserts on various social media platforms, helping you reach a wider audience.

3Dollars Blogger created the Love Cake Template after conducting thorough and in-depth research to ensure it meets the needs of those who carry out e-commerce related to foods and beverages.

The template is also easy to customize and comes with four pages: Menu, To Order, About, and Contact Us.

You can use these pages to showcase your products, provide information about your business, and make it easy for customers to get in touch with you.

If you want to see how the Love Cake Template looks like in action, you can visit the live preview at

The website includes images of each page so you can get a feel for the design and layout of the template before purchasing it.

In conclusion, the Love Cake Template is an affordable and high-quality website template that is perfect for those who work in the food and beverage industry. With its clean design, mobile-friendly layout, and easy customization options, it can help you showcase your cakes and desserts and attract more customers to your business.

Get a taste of our stunning visuals showcased on every single page!

Love Cake Template | Home

Love Cake Template | Menu

Love Cake Template | To Order

Love Cake Template | About

Love Cake Template | Contact Us

Ready to take your food and beverage business to the next level? Our Love Cake Responsive Blogger Template is the perfect way to do it! With a sleek and modern design, this template is sure to impress your customers and drive sales. Don't miss out - buy now by visiting our blog at or check out our store on Ko-fi at

Best Regards,

Santosa Laksana.

The Ins and Outs of Infinitives: A Guide to Using Them Correctly

I assume you are familiar with verbs that are preceded by "to" such as to go, to walk, to eat, to fly, to swim, to see, to run, and more. In this article, I will cover them completely.

For example:

  • To go to buy clothes is a must for all women.

  • He intended to walk to school every day.

  • Whenever he arrived at a new place in his travels, he always found a new menu to eat.

  • The pilot aimed to fly the plane soon.

All the verbs preceded by "to" are called "infinitives." Infinitives are not verbs, so they cannot use the suffixes "s," "es," "ed," or "ing." Instead, they work as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs in a sentence.

For instance, "to go" in example number 1 works as a noun and as the subject of the sentence, while "to walk" in example number 2 works as a noun and as the object of the sentence. "To eat" in example number 3 works as an adjective that modifies the noun "menu," and "to fly" in example number 4 works as an adverb that modifies the verb "aimed."

According to strict grammatical rules, infinitives cannot be split with adverbs. For instance:

  • Incorrect: He was happy to surprisingly welcome his new friend who came from France.

  • Correct: He was happy to welcome his new friend who came from France surprisingly.

  • Incorrect: Chari is trying to quickly climb to that hill this morning.

  • Correct: Chari is trying to climb to that hill quickly this morning.

There are more examples of infinitives such as to walk, to purchase, to achieve, to grind, to cater, to destroy, to savor, to delight, to read, to run, to jump, to play, to sing, to laugh, to cry, to eat, to go, and so on.

Although infinitives cannot be split, sometimes splitting infinitives are still used in literature. For example, "to boldly dive into the deepest heart of that beautiful woman, the King pretends to be a crazy man."

So, in conclusion, infinitives are verbs preceded by "to" and work as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. Infinitives cannot be split except for literary devices.

Congratulations, you now know what infinitives are. Thank you very much for always visiting my blog. Have a wonderful day!

Best regards,

Santosa Laksana.

Space for advertisements.

Hey there! Comflax is a small business that was established in 2021 to offer unique products at amazing prices.

They carry many weird tools and gadgets that you just won't find anywhere else. There are items that help you in the kitchen, the garage, the farm and everywhere in between.

To keep their prices low, they offer 1-2 week shipping. Their prices aren't as good as Amazon's and Walmart's though - both of them are better.

Elevate Your Writing with Exaggeration: A Powerful Rhetorical Tool

Exaggeration, Exaggeration...! Intentionally or unintentionally, aware or unaware, you may have used this literary device in your speech, conversation, or language. Its name is exaggeration.

Exaggeration is an exaggerated expression or statement that represents something as more extreme or dramatic than it really is. In a nutshell, a group of words with the aim to be exaggerated is called exaggeration. Synonyms for exaggeration include overstatement and embellishment.

Consider this conversation between Anna's friend, Jennifer, and Anna’s mother, Mrs. Sasha:

Jennifer: Hello Madam Sasha, is Anna at home?

Mrs. Sasha: Hi Jennifer, she's now a Mera, the waterbender. She's dancing on the waves now.

Jennifer: Ha ha...! Yes, madam. When she's on her surfboard, the ocean waves are under her control. Alright Mrs. Sasha, I will join her there now.

The phrases "she's now a Mera, the waterbender" and "the ocean waves are under her control" are exaggerated. In reality, Anna is a champion surfer, not a character from Aquaman.

Exaggeration is used as a rhetorical device or figurative language to evoke strong feelings or create a powerful impression.

Here are some simple examples of exaggeration:

  • Anna conquered waves as high as the Himalayas.

  • Before Anna won, she failed a million times.

  • Anna was so happy she wanted to sprinkle flowers all over the country.

  • Anna's relationship with her friends is like the Fantastic Four.

  • The bag weighs a ton.

I chose to define exaggeration in two ways:

  1. Exaggeration as a rhetorical device: A literary language technique used by a writer or speaker to evoke an emotional response in the readers or listeners through exaggerated language that describes the main original meaning. By using exaggeration, the writer or speaker can make their position or argument more interesting or create a sense of humor.

  2. Exaggeration as a figurative language: Words or phrases that are distorted by writers or speakers from ordinary language use, then exaggerated to produce an undeniable impact to interpret the real meaning.

To check your writing accurately, I recommend using ProWritingAid. It's a great tool for improving your writing.

Kind regards,

Santosa Laksana

Space for advertisements.

Hey there! Comflax is a small business that was established in 2021 to offer unique products at amazing prices.

They carry many weird tools and gadgets that you just won't find anywhere else. There are items that help you in the kitchen, the garage, the farm and everywhere in between.

To keep their prices low, they offer 1-2 week shipping. Their prices aren't as good as Amazon's and Walmart's though - both of them are better.

Mastering Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers in Your Writing

Dear reader, before we begin, I’d like to apologize for the banner. I understand it may appear inappropriate, but I chose it to reflect the theme of this article: Mastering Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers in Your Writing.

I’d like to share some insights from my own experience learning English as a second language (ESL). If you're an ESL learner, it's essential to start by reading and then listening to English pronunciation and meaning. You can do this by watching movies, listening to podcasts, or even using Google Translate. Once you're comfortable with listening, you can start practicing your speaking with correct pronunciations. Don't worry too much about grammar at this stage, just focus on speaking in English to the best of your ability.

However, when it comes to writing, you must adhere to the rules of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics of English correctly. Examples of English mechanics include abbreviations, capitalization, compound words, contractions, run-on sentences, and spelling. Now, let's dive into the topic of dangling and misplaced modifiers.

“Here, it's important to learn about clauses and conjunctions as they can serve as helpful signposts to help you detect and avoid dangling and misplaced modifiers in your writing.”

In speaking, it's crucial to enunciate each word clearly to avoid misinterpretation by the listener. I learned this lesson firsthand when I spoke with a friend on Facebook via video call. Despite my correct pronunciation, my friend still struggled to understand my meaning. In one conversation, I misplaced my words and said, "I always sell my vegetables to a customer that is of good quality." My friend asked for clarification, "What do you mean by 'to a customer that is of good quality'?" I realized I had made a mistake; the modifier "good-quality" was placed too close to "customer," making it seem like the customer was of good quality, not the vegetables. This is an example of a misplaced modifier.

In another conversation, I used a dangling modifier. My friend asked, "What do you do in the morning?" I replied, "Starting a happy day, preparing a to-do list through discussion." My friend asked, "Who do you discuss with?" I quickly corrected myself, "Oh no, my friend. I really enjoyed talking to you. What I meant was, 'starting a happy day, my son and I always discuss beforehand to prepare a to-do list.'" In this instance, the modifier "starting a happy day" was left dangling without a subject or verb to modify.

These errors can occur when we speak or write with an unprepared mind or a lack of understanding of correct grammar. Aspiring writers must pay close attention to dangling and misplaced modifiers to avoid ambiguity and misinterpretation.

Focus on reading and listening to improve your English comprehension and speaking skills. When writing, adhere to the rules of grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. And remember to watch out for dangling and misplaced modifiers in your writing and speaking. With practice, you'll master these grammar rules and become a more effective communicator.


  • Dangling modifier: "After finishing my homework, the TV was turned on." The modifier "After finishing my homework" is left dangling because it doesn't have a clear noun to modify. The sentence should be revised to something like "After finishing my homework, I turned on the TV."

  • Misplaced modifier: "I saw a man with glasses driving a car." The modifier "with glasses" is misplaced in this sentence because it could modify either "man" or "car." A better version of this sentence might be "I saw a man driving a car who was wearing glasses."

  • Dangling modifier: "Walking through the park, the flowers were beautiful." This sentence has a dangling modifier because it's unclear who or what is doing the walking. A better version of this sentence might be "While walking through the park, I saw beautiful flowers."

  • Misplaced modifier: "She only ate a sandwich for lunch with cheese." This sentence has a misplaced modifier because it's not clear whether "with cheese" modifies "sandwich" or "lunch". It could be interpreted to mean that she only ate a sandwich that had cheese for lunch, or that she only ate a sandwich with cheese and nothing else for lunch. To make it clearer, the sentence could be rewritten as "For lunch, she only ate a sandwich that had cheese." or "She only ate a cheese sandwich for lunch."

In conclusion, understanding and applying the rules of grammar is crucial for effective communication, whether in writing or speaking. Dangling and misplaced modifiers can lead to ambiguity and misinterpretation, so it's important to be aware of them and avoid making these mistakes. By practicing your language skills and paying close attention to grammar rules, you can improve your ability to express yourself clearly and effectively. Remember, effective communication is the key to success in all aspects of life.

ProWritingAid is a complete and precise grammar checker to check your writing. Strengthen Your Writing With A Free Grammar Check!

Best regards,

Santosa Laksana.