
Discovering the Right Path to Earn Money with Integrity

First, I used to produce money by selling clothes and pants bought by my mother, or given by my parents' friends to second-hand clothes sellers. It ended with my mother's anger, and finally, I had to stop producing money that way. I was 15 years old then. It was the wrong way, but I still wonder about myself. I’m 50 years old, and I still can’t produce money decently. If I get money, it's either because someone helped me, or I had to sell something or work for them first. I felt like I was being taken advantage of, as I had to work hard for money, and it felt like being a beggar.

I had to keep the fire of spirit in me so that it continues to burn. I had to keep my brain healthy and clear, so that I could still use my mind properly. I kept thinking, thinking, and thinking about how I can produce money decently. I've had years of failure. I started working seriously when I was 18 years old. I started by selling mung bean pillows, and then became a barber, made bamboo pot crafts, ran a food depot, grocery store, boss's personal driver, lottery seller, narcotics seller, opened a cassava cheese stall, became an incense seller, and finally printing, which ended in 2011. I had to go back to my parents' house, "Pak Djenggot's inn," which now - I named it "3Dollars Blogger" inn on the online network.

Everything I tried was in vain because my way of getting money was to be helped or given, or you could say, I was like a beggar who had to spend capital or work first to get money. My parents had passed away when I returned home. I started taking care of their inn, which has a donation system (people pay by donating when they stay at our inn).

In 2014, to support myself and my son, I had to farm. I grew vegetables and sold them at the local market. So, while looking after, caring for, and occupying the inn left by my parents, I farmed, which, in the end, I had to stop because the selling price was not worth it.

This was where deep experiences filled my life. I understood life, and my destiny unfolded. The system created by my parents, especially my dad, is a system that is very difficult for people nowadays to carry out. An inn with a system of people donating, or what I usually call volunteering or paying sincerely for the stay. I have to be honest and sincere to serve guests, who are mostly Chinese.

Now, I understand why, when I started working all this time, since I was 18 years old, I always failed. I was always treated lightly, like a beggar, and it seemed as if I was being helped when I was trying to get money, even though I had to work and spend capital for my business.

First, I blamed my parents, especially my dad. Why did he build an inn with a voluntary system that caused our whole family to live because of other people's donations? So that I, as the last child, must continue to suffer with no dignity in the eyes of the Chinese and the native Indonesians who work with them.

I repeat my earlier statement. This was where deep experiences filled my life. I understood life, and my destiny unfolded. I understood human nature. Whatever the ethnicity or nation, all behavior is based on a majority tendency. Every human being has bad and good qualities, regardless of ethnicity or nation, but the majority form a pattern that indeed was created in this world. They'll never change.

An example of my question is: which ethnicities or nations are more prone to plagiarism, lack compassion and remorse, and show no gratitude for the harm they have caused? Can you answer this honestly?

Are there any ethnicities or nations that fit the description above?

The majority refers to the ethnicity or nation of....................

The majority often demonstrates behavior that cannot be easily changed, for better or for worse.

Fortunately, I started learning English in 2014 with my son. I joined Facebook to make new friends, especially from Western countries. Now, I have accounts on Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Elo, and others.

Starting in 2017, I started to notice changes in my thoughts, feelings, and personality. I began making friends with Westerners from America, Canada, France, Italy, England, Australia, Lithuania, and other Western countries.

I also started reading many books.

Thanks to the development of the internet, from 3G to 5G, I could access many free e-books from remarkable people like Bob Proctor, Brian Tracy, Sonia Ricotti, Christy Whitman, and others. I'm currently studying The Law of Attraction, and I have a great teacher who lives in Canada.

To reiterate, these were profound experiences that filled my life. I gained an understanding of life, and my destiny began to unfold.

I used to blame my dad, but now I realize that he and my mom possessed strengths and virtues that I now deeply admire. They possessed the power of kindness, knowledge, and experience.

My dad was a spiritual practitioner who could see and read people's futures, also known as a fortune-teller. He never demanded a specific fee but accepted donations or volunteered his services.

My mother was an honest and innocent person who often gave in to the native people of Java (my mother was Javanese, and my father was Chinese). In her coffee and clove plantation business, the yield was often stolen, but she never got angry. She would only take what was left, and she managed to survive until the end of her life.

This inspired me to become a writer. I wanted to possess certain virtues and strengths, just like my parents. Although I am 100% like my mother, I cannot be 100% like my dad. I only inherited a few of his characteristics: his courage, determination, enthusiasm, and tenacity.

I was also inspired to learn how to make money decently, which I achieved by becoming a writer. Now, my son is a website and blog template developer. Together, we continue to manage and care for my parents' inn with sincerity and honesty.

To achieve this, I defined three tasks I must do: write for my son, keep a journal for myself, and finally, write about the inn. "Weblog Template Design, My Journal, and The Inn Life."

I became a proofreader and editor for my son's content and also his copywriter.

I will provide interesting and useful content to viewers related to my son's work, myself, and the inn we manage.

My son does an excellent job as a website and blog template developer. He works professionally and with trust, honesty, and sincerity. We named our company 3Dollars Blogger, Website and Blog Template Developer.

I also feature our inn on Airbnb and named it 3Dollars Blogger Inn.

Through all of this, I can hope and feel that it is possible to make money in the right and decent way.

However, to become a writer, I need to market myself. I need to learn English well, or else my writing or copy will not be interesting and not read by viewers.

With great joy and gratitude, my son now has his own shop. He joined Ko-fi to showcase his work, and he has also created his own blog called "3Dollars Blogger."

We are hopeful that our dream of making money in the right and decent way can come true.

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Thank you for taking the time to read our article. We hope it has been informative and helpful for you. If you are interested in purchasing our unique and competitive templates or our installation services, please visit our shop on  ko-fi. Thank you again for your support.

We would be delighted to have you visit us and are eager to provide you with our warmest hospitality. If you're interested in booking the room at our inn, please visit our  Airbnb page, where you can submit your booking request and we'll respond promptly. Thank you for considering us, and we hope to have the opportunity to host you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

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