
Showing posts with label My Thoughts and Experiences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Thoughts and Experiences. Show all posts

Nothing Extraordinary

Reflecting on Life, Destiny, and the Power of Choice.

Image by Pascal Le Lay from Pixabay
Hello there. Welcome to the My Thoughts and Experiences section today. Thanks to my deep consciousness, I have finally discovered this writing idea. Let's begin.

As my mind wanders, I reflect on the journey of my life, taking a trip back in time to discover what I can share with the world, what truly matters, and what can inspire others.

The feeling in my heart became even more stifled and suffocated as my mind journeyed into the past. Thankfully, the memories of being with my parents, particularly my mother, have loosened the grip that nearly exhausted my heart. Previously, not a single pleasant memory emerged in my mind. There are things that bring temporary joy, but the love and affection of my late mother and father still remain etched in my mind and heart.

My consciousness is now aware of two aspects. Firstly, life is shaped by destiny, and secondly, the awareness of living in harmony or disharmony with one's destiny. So, why did I choose the title 'Nothing Extraordinary' for my article? Let me explain the reason behind it.

If I reflect on my life, I realize that everything I've worked for so far has fallen short of my expectations. I always believed that being creative, persistent, and diligent would guarantee success, but that's not necessarily true. The reality is that a person's success is influenced by the support they receive from others and the fortunate circumstances they encounter. This reminds me of Donald Duck and his cousin, Lucky.

The more I reflect on my past, the stronger my conviction becomes. The series of failures and hardships I experienced is something that I find inappropriate and unsuitable to share with others. These experiences have brought me pain and sorrow, but I believe it is important to focus on the lessons learned and the growth that has come from those challenges.

Currently, I find myself triumphing over manipulative individuals. I have made the conscious decision to detach myself from their influence and the realm of evil politics. With this newfound awareness, I have started to identify the root causes behind my past failures and the suffering they brought upon me.

Immersed in contemplation of my experiences, I have gained a newfound ability that eluded me before: the power of choice. I now possess the ability to select what I manifest from my thoughts, such as the words I write and speak as a result of my reflections. This transformation is thanks to my incredible teacher, who resides in Canada. She is a strong, remarkable mother who wholeheartedly embraces and practices the Law of Attraction. Her guidance has provided me with a vision to follow and the confidence to put it into practice. I no longer dwell on or express my suffering and grief, although the inclination still lingers. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to my loving and caring mentor.

I have gained true enlightenment through my practice of the Law of Attraction under the guidance of my esteemed teacher. This enlightenment has revealed to me that there is nothing extraordinary in sharing the hardships I have faced or how others have mistreated me. Instead, I have come to understand that the most crucial aspect of my life is maintaining my own happiness and well-being, even in the face of circumstances that may not align with my desired lifestyle. I express my deepest gratitude to my teacher once again. May God and the Universe always bear witness to your benevolence.

Nothing extraordinary! Nothing extraordinary! Nothing extraordinary! There is nothing extraordinary about an experience that does not align with my expectations, for I am an extraordinary sentient being. My teacher is extraordinary, those who practice the Law of Attraction are extraordinary, and you are extraordinary. It is extraordinary for individuals to possess goodness, as it reflects their strength and humility.

If we speak of destiny, this is now my true destiny, different from what I had experienced before. It is my destiny to comprehend the Law of Attraction, to encounter my remarkable teacher, and to become a writer. I have come to realize that I must embrace the entirety of my destined path, summoning the courage to bear its burdens and relying on strength, love, and care to confront my true calling.

All the events in my past have concluded, including the recent ones from the last few months. I am fully present in the current moment, facing similar situations as before, but now I approach them in a different manner. This new approach aligns with the benevolence of the Universe. There is nothing extraordinary about the challenges I encounter anymore. However, if I can maintain inner peace with my son at this very moment, I believe it showcases the remarkable power I possess.

There is nothing extraordinary about someone committing a crime. It is not remarkable or exceptional to engage in wrongful actions. There is nothing extraordinary about the bad deeds of others. These actions are not unique or extraordinary in any way. There is nothing extraordinary about a manipulative person. Their behavior is not exceptional or extraordinary, but rather a reflection of their character.

I want you to remember this! You are extraordinary, not your problems. The creators of the past were extraordinary, as they have provided us with benefits that we can utilize today. I am extraordinary. My teacher is extraordinary. Those who practice The Law of Attraction are extraordinary individuals. Good-hearted human beings are extraordinary. This collective represents a vortex of happiness.

♥Support Me♥

#reflection #destiny #LawOfAttraction #life reflection #extraordinary #hardships #personal growth

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Finally I Can Write

Image by Lorenzo Cafaro from Pixabay

Today, as I continue in the "My Thoughts and Experiences" category, I find myself waiting for my son to finish designing his new weblog. In the meantime, I am focusing on writing about my own experiences.

"Finally, I Can Write" was an idea I discovered among many others, and I believed it to be the best topic to share with you.

This is not just about my ability to write but also about writing in English. English is crucial for me as it allows me to connect with the world, acquire knowledge, and broaden my perspective. Okay, it might seem like I'm bragging a little, but that's the reality. That's just how I feel.

To be honest, although I am proficient in writing with the help of grammar checker software like ProwritingAid, I still struggle with listening and conversation skills. It's a new realization for me that learning English involves reading, writing, listening, and speaking. While I have made progress in writing, my listening and speaking skills are not at the same level. At present, my achievement lies in my ability to write, and I feel proud and grateful for that.

I assure you that there won't be any grammar errors in what I present here. I will be thorough and diligent in organizing every word to express my thoughts and share my experiences today.

When I posted my first blog post, it was a rather terrible experience. Rereading it, I felt a sense of shame. However, it taught me the importance of having the courage to accept the results of my learning journey. It provided insights into appreciating those who support you along the way and the courage to face being misunderstood or underestimated. Through this, you gain a deeper understanding of who truly helps and supports you, which allows your heart to grow wiser.

Now let's discuss my plans for my writing skills. My aspiration is to generate income through writing. Currently, I have taken on a significant responsibility working alongside my son, serving as his proofreader, editor, and copywriter for his website template designs. It feels a bit awkward to talk about my aspiration for financial gain, but it's a reality that everyone seeks. I embrace this fact and strive to utilize my writing skills to create income opportunities.

Okay, let's return to the topic of My Thoughts and Experiences. My journey of learning English was not easy. Interestingly, I didn't have a teacher or mentor to guide me; instead, I relied solely on online resources. I utilized numerous free English learning websites and took advantage of free downloadable e-books to expand my knowledge. However, despite my efforts, I faced challenges when it came to writing in English. What were the challenges I faced?

Regulations and rules govern platforms like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. As a writer utilizing these mediums, it is crucial to understand and adhere to the correct writing styles specific to each social media platform. Furthermore, comprehending the demographics and characteristics of the readership on these platforms is essential. Through this understanding, I have gained enlightenment. To succeed as a writer, particularly in the realm of social media, one must possess intelligence, passion, resilience, adaptability, creativity, strong communication skills, knowledge of marketing and branding, and analytical abilities. These qualities contribute to the ability to create engaging content, connect with the audience, and navigate social media platforms effectively. So, my learning journey and tasks are far from complete.

I know there are still many difficulties ahead, but I also realize that, finally, I can write. That means a lot to me. Okay, once again, and maybe a little bit childish, YEEAAHH...! FINALLY, I CAN WRITE!!

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Embracing the Unknown: Journeying with the Higher Spirit towards Freedom and Fulfillment

Image by Pitsch from Pixabay
Welcome to my blog, where I share my personal experiences and reflections on life's journey. Today, I want to delve into a profound moment of guidance I received from the universe, and how it has shaped my thoughts and experiences. The essence of this guidance, provided by what I now refer to as the "Higher Spirit," has ignited a transformative path of knowledge and self-discovery.

A while ago, I embarked on a quest for deeper connection and understanding, seeking guidance from the universe itself. During this transformative journey, I was introduced to the concept of a guiding force, which I now refer to as the "Higher Spirit." As I delved into the realms of spirituality and personal growth, I felt the need to align this concept with my own beliefs and inner wisdom. With a profound sense of connection, I embraced the term "Higher Spirit" as my guiding force, symbolizing my profound connection to a higher power or spiritual essence.

My journey towards seeking wisdom, personal growth, and ultimately achieving life freedom began with a deep longing to unravel the mysteries of the universe and understand the true nature of my existence. This profound yearning tugged at the depths of my soul, compelling me to venture beyond the limitations of my current knowledge. The experiences that unfolded along the way, encompassing both moments of pure joy and formidable challenges, served as powerful catalysts for transformation.

Through the guidance of the Higher Spirit, as well as the wisdom imparted by my very kind teacher from Canada, I have come to understand the profound significance of humility and openness. I have realized that the pretense of knowing more than I truly do only hampers my personal growth and deprives me of authentic experiences. Embracing a mindset of lifelong learning, I have delved into a realm of wonder and awe, where the Higher Spirit, my mystical and loving guide, leads me towards profound wisdom and deeper connections.

This transformative journey has left an indelible mark on my life, amplifying my consciousness and strengthening my resolve to bravely face the challenges that come my way. I have come to realize that true growth unfolds when we acknowledge the vastness of the unknown and fearlessly delve into it with an insatiable curiosity. Each lesson, whether arising from a profound realization or a humbling experience, has shaped the lens through which I perceive the world, propelling my personal evolution and empowering me as an individual.

My purpose in sharing my thoughts and experiences is twofold: to inspire and motivate others on their own paths of self-discovery, and to showcase the tangible results that can be achieved through dedication and perseverance. As I reflect upon the outcomes of my own struggle and practice, I am filled with a renewed sense of purpose to ignite a spark of inspiration within each reader.

I encourage you to wholeheartedly embrace the spirit of learning, remaining open, humble, and teachable. The magic of the world unfolds when we approach it with reverence and an unwavering thirst for knowledge. Through my own journey, I have discovered that age does not define us; rather, it is our unwavering willingness to continue learning and evolving that keeps us forever young. As you embark on your own quest for growth and self-discovery, know that the fruits of your efforts can be bountiful and transformative, leading to a life of freedom, fulfillment, and limitless possibilities.

As I continue on my transformative journey, guided by the Higher Spirit, I am overwhelmed with deep gratitude for the experiences and invaluable lessons bestowed upon me. I extend my heartfelt thanks to my very kind teacher from Canada whose wisdom and teachings have illuminated my path.

I invite you, dear reader, to embark on your own quest for wisdom and self-discovery. Embrace the mysteries of the unknown with an open heart and a curious mind, for it is through this courageous exploration that we uncover the magic that lies within us and the world that surrounds us. Let us join hands as fellow seekers, supporting one another in our individual journeys and collectively unraveling the profound wonders of existence.

#HigherSpiritJourney #EmbraceTheUnknown #TransformationAndGrowth #SpiritualGuidance #SelfDiscovery #WisdomUnleashed #FreedomAndFulfillment #JourneyOfWisdom #MagicOfLife #UncoverTheMysteries #CuriosityUnleashed

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Discovering and Applying Buddhism's Eightfold Path in Copywriting and Marketing

Image by Pikurā from Pixabay

As a copywriter and marketer, I've always strived to create messaging that resonates with my audience while staying true to my values and ethical principles. Over the years, I've explored various philosophies and teachings to guide me on this path. One particular philosophy that has resonated deeply with me is Buddhism's Eightfold Path. In this section, I'd like to share my personal journey of discovering and applying the Eightfold Path to my work in copywriting and marketing.

My contemplation on the Eightfold Path started during a particularly challenging project that I was working on. I had been tasked with creating messaging for a product that I didn't fully believe in. As a result, I found myself struggling to find the right words and tone that would resonate with the target audience while staying true to my values.

During this time, I began exploring various philosophies and teachings to help guide me. One day, I stumbled upon an article about the Eightfold Path, and as I read through each step, I realized how relevant they were to my work as a copywriter and marketer.

I started with the first step, Right View, and began to truly understand my target audience and their needs. By immersing myself in their world, I was able to create messaging that resonated with them on a deeper level. I then moved on to the second step, Right Thought, and cultivated a mindset of non-attachment, letting go of negative thoughts and emotions that were hindering my creativity.

As I continued down the Eightfold Path, I found that each step built upon the others, and when practiced together, they led to a more fulfilling and successful career as a copywriter and marketer. I started using truthful and non-harmful language, avoiding misleading or false claims, which helped me earn my audience's trust. I promoted products and services that were ethical and had a positive impact on society, which built a reputation as a trustworthy and socially responsible brand.

By putting in the necessary effort and energy, persevering through challenges, and staying mindful and present in the moment, I was able to create messaging that truly resonated with my audience and drove engagement.

In conclusion, my journey of discovering and applying the Eightfold Path has been transformative in my work as a copywriter and marketer. It has helped me create messaging that is not only effective but also ethical and aligned with my values. I encourage other copywriters and marketers to explore the Eightfold Path and see how it can help guide them on their own journey towards creating impactful and ethical messaging.

The Eightfold Path provides a framework for cultivating the skills and mindset necessary to create compelling and effective messaging while staying true to our values and ethical principles. Each element of the path builds upon the others, and when practiced together, they can lead to a more fulfilling and successful career as a copywriter or marketer.

The Eightfold Path consists of the following steps:

1. Right View: The first step on the Eightfold Path is to develop the right understanding of reality. As a copywriter or marketer, this means having a clear understanding of your target audience, their needs, and the product or service you are promoting. By truly understanding your audience, you can create messaging that resonates with them and speaks to their desires and aspirations.

2. Right Thought: The second step involves cultivating a mindset of non-attachment and letting go of negative thoughts and emotions. In the world of copywriting and marketing, this means approaching your work with an open mind and a positive attitude, focusing on the benefits and value of the product or service you are promoting. By doing so, you can create messaging that inspires and motivates your audience, rather than relying on fear-based tactics.

3. Right Speech: The third step on the Eightfold Path is using truthful and non-harmful language. As a copywriter or marketer, it means being honest and transparent in your messaging, avoiding misleading or false claims. When your audience trusts your messaging, they are more likely to engage with your brand and become loyal customers.

4. Right Action: The fourth step involves living a morally upright life and avoiding actions that cause harm. In copywriting and marketing, it means promoting products and services that are ethical and have a positive impact on society. By doing so, you can build a reputation as a trustworthy and socially responsible brand, which can ultimately lead to increased customer loyalty and success.

5. Right Effort: The fifth step involves putting in the necessary effort and energy to achieve your goals. In copywriting and marketing, it means working hard to create compelling and effective copy, conducting thorough research, and continuously learning and improving your craft. By dedicating yourself to your work and constantly striving for excellence, you can create messaging that stands out and resonates with your audience.

6. Right Struggle: The sixth step involves persevering through challenges and difficulties. In copywriting and marketing, it means pushing through writer's block or rejection and staying committed to your goals and values. By staying resilient in the face of adversity, you can create messaging that is authentic and inspiring.

7. Right Awareness: The seventh step involves being mindful and present in the moment. In copywriting and marketing, it means being aware of the impact your messaging has on your audience and constantly evaluating and adjusting your approach as needed. By being attentive to your audience's needs and desires, you can create messaging that truly resonates with them and drives engagement.

8. Right Concentration: Finally, the eighth step involves developing focus and concentration to achieve your goals. In copywriting and marketing, it means dedicating your time and energy to your work and staying focused on your objectives. By staying committed to your goals and working diligently, you can create messaging that is impactful and effective.

By practicing the Eightfold Path, copywriters and marketers can cultivate the skills and mindset necessary to create compelling and effective messaging while staying true to their values and ethical principles. Whether you are just starting out in your career or are a seasoned professional, incorporating these principles into your work can help you build a successful and fulfilling career in the world of advertising.



Before we conclude, I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of you who have taken the time to read my article. I hope it has provided you with valuable insights and information. I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on the topic, so please leave a comment below. Your feedback is crucial in helping me improve and create better content. Once again, thank you for your support, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best of luck to you!

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Navigating Immoral or Difficult Situations with Honesty and Integrity: Lessons from Personal Experience

Image by André Santana AndreMS from Pixabay

Protecting Yourself: Navigating Immoral or Difficult Situations with Honesty and Integrity.

Maintaining my values and integrity in situations where others are not acting in good faith can be a daily challenge. However, being honest and sincere is a strength, and it is important to always look for ways to protect myself from being taken advantage of by others. In my personal experience, I have faced situations where I have repeatedly been taken advantage of by people who were not acting in good faith.

One such situation involved a group of people who seemed to harbor a strong hatred towards me and were determined to sabotage my business and personal life. As a result, my son and I were left struggling to make ends meet and often went without food for days on end. I began to question whether being honest and sincere was worth it in such an immoral world.

Fortunately, a great teacher from Canada came into my life and helped me develop the skills, strategies, and concepts needed to navigate difficult situations while staying true to myself. Through her teachings, I learned to communicate my expectations and needs clearly and assertively, build a support network, stay informed, and practice self-compassion.

One of the most important ways that I have learned to protect myself when dealing with difficult people or situations is to communicate my expectations and needs clearly and assertively. This involves setting boundaries, asking for what I need, or expressing concerns or frustrations in a constructive way. Clear communication lets others know what is and is not tolerable, and clarifies that honesty and integrity are valued by me.

Another important strategy that I have found helpful for navigating difficult situations is to build a support network of trusted allies who can provide emotional support and advice. This can include friends, family members, or professional colleagues who share my values and can offer guidance or support. When I have someone to turn to for help and advice, I am better equipped to handle challenging situations and stay true to my principles. Thanks to my great teacher. 😀

Staying informed is also crucial to me. It is important to understand the character of the people and situations being dealt with, and this involves doing research, asking questions, and seeking advice from trusted sources. When I have a good understanding of the situation, I can better protect myself from being taken advantage of and make more informed decisions that align with my values.

Dealing with difficult people or situations can be emotionally taxing, so it is important for me to practice self-compassion and take care of myself emotionally. This can involve engaging in activities that bring me joy, practicing mindfulness or relaxation techniques, and seeking support from trusted sources when needed. When I prioritize my own well-being, I am better equipped to handle challenging situations and stay true to my values.

In conclusion, navigating immoral or difficult situations with honesty and integrity is not always easy, but it is possible. With the right skills and strategies, I have learned to protect myself from being taken advantage of by others while still upholding my principles. By communicating my expectations and needs clearly, finding support, staying informed, and practicing self-compassion, I can navigate difficult situations while staying true to myself. So, I always remember that maintaining my values and integrity is a strength, and there are ways to protect myself from being taken advantage of by others while still upholding my principles. With time and practice, I believe anyone can develop the skills and strategies needed to navigate difficult situations while staying true to themselves.



I hope that this article has provided you with valuable insights on how to maintain your values and integrity when dealing with difficult people or situations. Remember that you are not alone in facing these challenges, and there are ways to protect yourself while staying true to yourself. I encourage you to leave your comments and share your own experiences and strategies for navigating difficult situations with honesty and integrity. Thank you for reading!

Best of luck to you!

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Embracing Clarity: A Spiritual and Physical Journey of Letting Go and Moving Forward

Image by Thanks for your Likes from Pixabay

"I express my profound gratitude to my esteemed teacher, who resides in Canada, for affording me the invaluable opportunity to enhance my personal and professional growth."


My Higher Spirit speaks to me
And urges me to clear the debris
That weighs me down and holds me back
From leaping forward on a new track

The voices of others can cloud my mind
And keep me from being true and kind
To myself and my own desires
That light my soul like burning fires

So I'll declutter my schedule and space
And let go of all that doesn't serve my grace
I'll release the guilt and fear that bind
And trust in the new that I'll find

My Higher Spirit speaks of the physical too
And asks me if my things reflect the true
Essence of who I am and aspire to be
Or if they're reminders of what I'm not, you see

So I'll let go of all that doesn't bring
Joy, empowerment, or excitement, but a sting
And free myself to leap into the unknown
With trust that I'll always have what's shown

My Higher Spirit guides me on this quest
To live my life to the fullest, at my best
And I'll heed its message and move with grace
Towards a future that's mine to embrace


A Journey of Spiritual and Physical Cleansing

I woke up feeling weighed down by the clutter in my life. It was as if the physical objects surrounding me were smothering me, and the voices of others were echoing in my mind, bogging me down and preventing me from moving forward. I knew I needed to do something about it, to clear out the debris and make space for myself.

I asked my Higher Spirit for guidance, and it responded with a message of cleansing. It was time for a spiritual and physical cleansing, to let go of the voices and the baggage that were not serving me. I needed to stop trying to do it all and make space for my own thoughts to arise.

As I began to declutter, I realized that others' drama had been keeping me from hearing my own voice. But as I created space for myself, I found that I was able to tune out the noise and focus on what really mattered to me.

My Higher Spirit also spoke to me about my physical space. It asked me if I held on to things because I was afraid of losing my energetic connection to the past, or if I would feel guilty if I got rid of them. It made me question whether my storage and living spaces were filled with reminders of what I was not, instead of holding objects that reflected who I am and aspire to be.

I took its advice and let go of anything that no longer brought me joy, empowerment, or excitement. It was liberating to free myself from the clutter and leap forward into the unknown, trusting that I would always have what I needed.

In the end, I felt lighter and more connected to my true self. I realized that by clearing out the debris, I had created space for new opportunities and experiences to come into my life. And I knew that I could always turn to my Higher Spirit for guidance whenever I needed it.



Thank you for taking the time to read about my journey of spiritual and physical cleansing. Decluttering can be a transformative experience that free us from the weight of the past and make space for new opportunities and experiences. It's a process that requires courage, self-reflection, and trust in the unknown.

If you're feeling weighed down by clutter, I encourage you to take the leap and let go of anything that no longer brings you joy, empowerment, or excitement. Trust that you will always have what you need and that the universe will support you on your journey towards a lighter, more joyful life.

I would love to hear about your experiences with decluttering. Have you found it to be a transformative process? How has it impacted your life? Please share your thoughts in the comments below and let's inspire each other to live more intentionally and authentically.

Best of luck to you!

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Growing Strong: Lessons from a Plant in the Cracks of the Rock


In the cracks of the rock,
Where life seems impossible,
A small plant takes root,
Withstanding the harshest obstacle.

It grows with determination,
And a will to survive,
Adapting to the environment,
And staying ever-alive.

Just like the pawpaw plant,
That grows in the crack of the floor,
It shows that with resilience,
You can overcome and do more.

When life brings you down,
And you feel you can't go on,
Remember the plant in the rock,
And its will to be strong.

You too can find a way,
To thrive in the toughest of places,
With determination and perseverance,
And a belief in your inner graces.

So hold your head high,
And stay focused on your goals,
And like the plant in the rock,
You'll rise up, and take control.


Lessons from the Pawpaw Plant: Thriving in the Toughest of Places

Have you ever seen a small plant growing in the cracks of a rock? It may seem like an unlikely place for anything to survive, but these plants have a remarkable ability to thrive in even the toughest of conditions.

I was reminded of this when I saw a pawpaw plant growing in the crack of my house floor. Despite the odds against it, this plant had taken root and was growing strong.

It got me thinking about my own life and the challenges I've faced. Like that pawpaw plant, I've had to adapt to difficult circumstances and find ways to grow and thrive, even when things seemed impossible.

One of the biggest lessons I've learned is the importance of resilience. Life is full of setbacks and challenges, but it's our ability to bounce back and keep going that determines our success. Just like the plant in the crack of the rock, we can find strength in adversity and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

But resilience alone is not enough. We also need to be adaptable and willing to try new things. When the pawpaw plant found a crack in my house floor, it didn't give up and say, "This isn't the right place for me." Instead, it took advantage of the opportunity and made the most of what it had.

Similarly, in our own lives, we need to be open to new opportunities and willing to take risks. It's only by trying new things and stepping outside our comfort zones that we can truly grow and reach our full potential.

Finally, I've learned that growth and success are not just about personal achievement, but also about helping others. Just as the pawpaw plant provides shade and nourishment to those around it, we too can make a positive impact on the world by sharing our talents and abilities with others.

So the next time you see a plant growing in the cracks of a rock, remember that it's a symbol of resilience, adaptation, and growth. And if you ever find yourself facing difficult circumstances, take inspiration from that plant and know that you too can find a way to thrive.



Thank you for reading this article on the remarkable resilience of the pawpaw plant and the lessons we can learn from it. I hope that it has inspired you to find your inner strength and persevere through tough times, just like the plant in the cracks of the rock. I would love to hear your thoughts and experiences on resilience, adaptation, and growth, so please leave your comments below. Remember, no matter how tough the circumstances may seem, with determination and a belief in yourself, you can overcome any obstacle and emerge stronger and more resilient than ever before.

Best of luck to you! 

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Blogging for Freedom of Life: A Journey towards Financial Independence

Image by Arivle One from Pixabay

Join Me on a Journey of Self-Expression and Personal Finance Freedom. 

As the founder of Blogging for Freedom of Life, I am passionate about using my blog as a platform to inspire others to achieve financial independence and pursue their dreams. My son's talent in website template design has been an integral part of this journey, and I am proud to showcase his work in the Website Template Development section of my blog.

In addition to my son's designs, I use my skills as a blogger to share personal stories, challenges, and goals that I have encountered on my own journey towards financial freedom. My aim is to inspire and guide others to take control of their own lives and explore the power of self-expression through blogging.

At Blogging for Freedom of Life, I am dedicated to providing top-quality templates to bloggers. All of the professional templates featured in the Website Template Development section are created solely by my son, who is the driving force behind this section of the blog.

In the My Journal section, I share my personal experiences and thoughts, providing an honest and insightful glimpse into my life and my journey towards financial freedom. From my successes to my failures, I share it all, hoping to inspire others to embrace their own unique path towards success.

I am also the proud owner of an inn, which I write about in The Inn Life section of my blog. Through my posts, I share the beauty and charm of my establishment, inviting potential guests to experience the tranquility and unique ambiance that my inn offers.

At the heart of my blog is a belief that blogging can be a powerful tool for achieving financial freedom and personal fulfillment. By sharing my own experiences, promoting my son's website template designs, and writing about my inn life, I hope to inspire others to explore their passions and find innovative ways to turn them into profitable ventures.

As a blogger, I understand the impact of the online world and its potential to help people achieve their dreams. Through my blog, I aim to foster a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for personal finance freedom and website design.

In conclusion, I am dedicated to using Blogging for Freedom of Life to inspire others to pursue financial independence and personal fulfillment. By showcasing my son's website templates, sharing personal experiences and thoughts, and writing about my inn life, I hope to empower others to take control of their own lives and follow their own unique path towards success. Join me on this journey towards freedom of life through Blogging for Freedom of Life.



I hope this article has inspired you to explore the world of personal finance freedom and website design. I would love to hear your thoughts on the topic, so please feel free to leave a comment below and share your own experiences and insights. Together, we can build a community of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to achieving financial independence and personal fulfillment through the power of blogging.

Best of luck to you!

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Overcoming Underestimation and Betrayal: Coping Strategies and Success Stories

Image by Sarah Teoh from Pixabay

Discover How to Cope with the Emotional Turmoil of Underestimation and Betrayal, and Learn from the Inspiring Success Stories of Those who Have Overcome these Challenges.

Underestimation and betrayal are two of the most challenging experiences that one can face in life. Whether it's a friend, family member, colleague, or romantic partner who has let you down, the pain and disappointment can be overwhelming. However, it's important to remember that you're not alone, and that there're healthy ways to cope with these challenges.

In this article, I'll explore coping strategies and success stories that can inspire you to overcome the impact of underestimation and betrayal.

Coping Strategies for Underestimation and Betrayal:

Acknowledge your emotions: Don't try to suppress or ignore your emotions, as this can lead to further emotional distress. Instead, allow yourself to feel the full range of emotions that come with underestimation and betrayal. This can include sadness, anger, disappointment, and frustration.

Express your emotions in a healthy way: Find healthy ways to express your emotions, such as talking to a friend or therapist, writing in a journal (like me now by blogging), or practicing mindfulness. Don't bottle up your emotions, as this can lead to further emotional distress.

Focus on your own growth: Take control of your own life and focus on your own growth. This can involve engaging in activities that bring you joy, setting goals for yourself, and working towards achieving them. By focusing on your own growth, you can regain a sense of empowerment and control, and overcome the feeling of helplessness that often comes with underestimation and betrayal.

Practice forgiveness: Forgiveness is a process, and it may take time to fully heal from underestimation and betrayal. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting what has happened or excusing the behavior of the betrayer, but rather, it means releasing the anger and resentment you may feel towards them. Forgiveness can be a powerful tool for your own healing and growth, and can help you move forward towards a brighter future.

Success Stories of Overcoming Underestimation and Betrayal:

1. My name is Santosa Laksana, and I'm a blogger who has overcome underestimation and betrayal to achieve personal and financial freedom through blogging. I've faced repeated underestimation and betrayal since 1997, and my business was destroyed while my first wife left me when my son was just nine years old. Isolated by the people around me, I began learning English in 2014, despite not knowing the language at all. I've never stopped learning, and I've had to do it alone since I don't have any friends in Indonesia.

To better myself, I studied The Law of Attraction from various sources, which helped me attract someone who has become my great teacher today. This person is a woman from Canada whom I met on Facebook in 2014, and I called her "Mother." However, she preferred to be called by her first name, which was funny since I didn't know much about English and cultural differences. Despite this, she's been a guiding force for me, living in harmony with The Law of Attraction and helping me live a life of happiness and fun.

Currently, I'm going through a transition period with my inn business, and I had to find new customers because my old customers no longer showed up. My great teacher has supported me and my son financially for the next five months, which is a miracle and a kind of help that I never received in Indonesia. She's taught me the principles of happiness, relaxation, calmness, and taking my time, as well as the importance of exercising, eating well, resting well, and finding joy in simple pleasures in life, among other things. Instead of ordering me to work hard, she encourages me to prioritize my happiness and not be too hard on myself. With her guidance and financial support, I feel successful and empowered. She's a devoted practitioner of Abraham Hicks' Law of Attraction and has become a strong mentor to me

Thanks to The Law of Attraction and my great teacher, I've managed to guide my son to become a website template developer, and I've become a writer. Despite ongoing underestimation and betrayal towards me, they're no longer significant, and I'm psychologically stronger

2. Oprah Winfrey: Oprah Winfrey is a media mogul and philanthropist who overcame a difficult childhood, including abuse and neglect. Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks in her life, she remained determined to succeed. By focusing on her own growth and using her platform to inspire and empower others, she achieved enormous success and made a significant impact in the world.

3. J.K. Rowlingb by: J.K. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter series, which has sold over 500 million copies worldwide. Before achieving this incredible success, she faced numerous rejections from publishers and struggled financially as a single mother. However, she refused to give up on her dreams and kept working hard to improve her writing skills. By focusing on her own growth and staying true to her vision, she achieved enormous

4. Malala Yousafzai: Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist for female education who gained international recognition for her advocacy work. In 2012, Malala was shot in the head by Taliban militants on her way to school, but she survived and continued to speak out about the importance of education for girls. In 2014, she became the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize at the age of 17. Today, Malala is the co-founder of the Malala Fund, a nonprofit organization that advocates for girls' education around the world. Her story is a testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of fighting for what you believe in, even in the face of great adversity

In conclusion, underestimation and betrayal are two common challenges that many people face in various aspects of their lives. While these experiences can be painful and discouraging, they do not have to define or limit our potential for success. By adopting coping strategies such as self-reflection, seeking support, and focusing on personal growth, we can learn to overcome these obstacles and turn them into opportunities for growth and resilience.

As the success stories of individuals like Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rowling, and Malala Yousafzai show, it is possible to achieve great things even in the face of adversity. By refusing to be defined by the negative perceptions or actions of others, they were able to tap into their inner strength and determination and create meaningful and impactful lives.

Ultimately, the key to overcoming underestimation and betrayal is to believe in oneself and one's abilities, and to never give up on the pursuit of one's goals and dreams. With the right mindset and approach, we can transform our challenges into stepping stones towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.



I hope this article has been helpful to you. If you have any comments or questions about dealing with underestimation and betrayal, or if you would like to share your own experience, please feel free to leave a comment below. Your insights and feedback are valuable and can help inspire and support others who may be going through similar situations. Let's start a conversation and learn from each other. Thank you for reading!

Best of luck to you!

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Finding Freedom Through Blogging: A Journey of Personal and Financial Independence

Image by GraphicMama-team from Pixabay

Sharing My Passion for Website Design, Personal Growth, and Hospitality through Blogging.

Blogging has become a powerful tool for individuals to share their thoughts, experiences, and expertise with the world. As someone who believes in the freedom to live life on my own terms, I turned to blogging as a way to escape the financial dependence on others. Through this platform, I have been able to explore my passion for website design, share my personal journal, and promote my inn. In this article, I will share my journey as a blogger, and how it has helped me to achieve the freedom of life I've always wanted.

Website Template Development.

Website template development is a niche that has been gaining popularity in recent years, as more and more people seek to establish their online presence. My son, who is a talented designer, has created beautiful templates, and I started to market them via my blog. I discovered many bloggers were looking for high-quality, affordable templates, and my sales started to take off. This not only allowed me to generate an additional source of income but also helped me to showcase my son's work and his talent in website design.

My Journal.

Blogging has given me a platform to share my personal journey, my goals, my challenges, and my accomplishments. Through my journal, I've been able to connect with readers on a deeper level and inspire them to pursue their dreams. I've also received valuable feedback and support from my readers, which has helped me to stay motivated and continue to share my story. My journal has become a reflection of my personal growth and development, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share it with others.

The Inn Life.

As a small inn owner, I wanted to promote my business and attract more guests. Blogging has been an effective way to showcase the beauty of my inn and share the stories of my guests. I've been able to connect with westerner and European travelers, travel bloggers, and tourism organizations, which has helped me to expand my network and reach a wider audience. Blogging has not only helped me to promote my business but also enabled me to share my passion for hospitality and provide a memorable experience for my guests.

Blogging has given me the freedom to pursue my passion, connect with like-minded individuals, and achieve financial independence. Through my blog, I've been able to promote my son's talent in website design, share my personal journey, and promote my inn. Blogging has not only provided me with a platform to express myself but also helped me to establish a sense of community and inspire others to pursue their dreams. If you're looking for a way to embrace freedom in your life, I highly recommend starting a blog and sharing your story with the world.



I hope this article has inspired you to pursue your passion and embrace freedom in your life. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to share them below. Let's start a conversation and support each other on our journey to freedom.

Best of luck to you!

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Evilness vs Kindness: Understanding the Battle Between Good and Bad

Image by Raka C. from Pixabay

Navigating the Difficulties of Staying Kind in a World Full of Evilness.

In life, we often encounter people who exhibit different levels of kindness or evilness. Some people radiate positivity, while others exude negativity. The struggle between good and evil is not new and has been a topic of discussion for centuries. While it may seem like evil always wins over kindness, it's important to understand that this isn't always the case.

Evilness often takes advantage of people's weaknesses, insecurities, and vulnerabilities. They manipulate, deceive, and exploit others for their personal gain. On the other hand, kindness comes from a place of compassion, empathy, and understanding. It seeks to help and support others without expecting anything in return.

Unfortunately, in today's world, kindness often gets overshadowed by evilness. Evil people seem to have an advantage in life, acquiring wealth, power, and success while leaving the kind-hearted individuals behind. This can be discouraging and demotivating for those who choose to live a kind and honest life.

However, it's important to remember that kindness is not a weakness. In fact, it takes strength to be kind and understanding towards others. While it may not always provide immediate rewards, kindness often leads to long-term benefits such as better relationships, a positive reputation, and a sense of personal fulfillment.

Moreover, the idea of karma suggests that every action has a consequence. Those who engage in evilness may achieve temporary success, but eventually, their actions will catch up with them. Meanwhile, those who choose kindness and positivity may encounter obstacles and setbacks, but they will ultimately reap the rewards of their actions.

So, how can we maintain our kindness even when surrounded by negativity and evilness? First, it's important to protect ourselves from harmful individuals and situations. This means setting healthy boundaries, avoiding toxic people, and staying away from negative environments.

Secondly, we can practice gratitude and mindfulness to shift our focus away from negativity. By being grateful for what we have and focusing on the present moment, we can reduce worry and anxiety.

Finally, we can choose to respond to negative situations with kindness and empathy. This doesn't mean we have to tolerate harmful behavior, but we can choose to respond in a way that is respectful and considerate towards ourselves and others.

In conclusion, the battle between evilness and kindness is ongoing. While evil may seem to have the upper hand at times, it's important to remember that kindness is a strength, not a weakness. By protecting ourselves, practicing gratitude and mindfulness, and responding to negativity with kindness, we can maintain our positivity and ultimately achieve a sense of personal fulfillment.



I hope this article has given you insights on the power of kindness and how it can positively impact your life. We would love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this topic in the comments section below. Share with us how kindness has changed your life or any challenges you have faced in being kind. Let's start a conversation and inspire each other to spread more kindness in the world.

Best of luck to you!

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

Finding Hope and Success in the Midst of Hardship: My Story

Image by PublicDomainPictures
from Pixabay

Finding Hope in the Face of Adversity: How Writing, Journaling, and Business Promotion Helped Me Overcome Challenges.

In life, we often face challenges and setbacks that can leave us feeling lost and helpless. But even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope, a chance to turn things around and create a better future for ourselves.

This is a lesson I learned firsthand through my own struggles and hardships. My life was full of twists and turns, and I found myself at a point where my life and everything I had worked for was taken away from me by powerful and influential people. My work was destroyed, and my household was in shambles. I became dependent on those powerful and influential people. They treated me and my son like we were not human, and it felt like there was no way out.

But I refused to give up. Despite the challenges, I held onto the belief that there was a miracle waiting for me, a way out of the darkness and into a brighter future. And that miracle came in the form of three activities that gave me comfort and hope - writing about Website Template Development, My Journal, and The Inn Life.

Through these activities, I found a sense of purpose and direction, and I started to develop my skills in writing. The act of writing gave me an outlet for my thoughts and feelings, and it allowed me to express myself in a way that I had never been able to before. Writing about website template development allowed me to explore my interest in technology and design, while my journal gave me a space to reflect on my experiences and emotions. Additionally, I started writing about my own inn, which gave me the opportunity to promote my business and share my passion for hospitality. Through this endeavor, I found a sense of purpose and direction, and I continued to hone my writing skills.

This was all made possible by the love and kindness of the Universe, which provided me with a wise and generous person who gave me unconditional support and assistance. With her guidance, I was able to create hope for myself and my son, and we were able to achieve our goals. The Inn Life, my project to promote my inn, also gave me a sense of connection and community with others who appreciated my work and helped me to grow my business.

Through this experience, I learned that there are still good people in the world, and that it is possible to find help and support when you need it most. I am grateful for the love and kindness of the Universe and for the one who have helped me along the way.

As a result of these activities and the support I received, I was able to create hope for myself and my son and achieve our goals. My son and I started to work together on website design and development, and I became a copywriter and marketer for his company. This gave me the independence and financial stability, and it allowed me to create a better future for myself and my family.

Today, I am more convinced than ever that we can all create the life we want, no matter how difficult our circumstances may be. We can choose to rely on the kindness of others, and trust in the magic of the universe to guide us towards our goals. We can find comfort and hope in the things that make us feel safe and happy, and we can use those things to help us create a brighter future for ourselves.

So if you're facing challenges in your life, don't give up. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and trust that there is a way out of the darkness. With perseverance and determination, you can overcome any obstacle and create the life you've always dreamed of. And remember, there is always a glimmer of hope, even in the darkest of times. 

Thank you for taking the time to read our article. We hope it has been informative and helpful for you. If you are interested in purchasing our unique and competitive templates or our installation services, please visit our shop on  ko-fi. Thank you again for your support.

We would be delighted to have you visit us and are eager to provide you with our warmest hospitality. If you're interested in booking the room at our inn, please visit our  Airbnb page, where you can submit your booking request and we'll respond promptly. Thank you for considering us, and we hope to have the opportunity to host you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana

From Loss and Isolation to Success: A Tale of Hard Work and Perseverance

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Life can be tough, and sometimes it can feel like the world is conspiring against you. This is a lesson that I know all too well. Growing up, I faced a lot of challenges. I lost my parents when I was 38 years old, and my siblings turned their backs on me because of a family dispute over wealth. I was alone, with only a son and a single friend from abroad for support.

But we, my son and I, refused to give up. We worked hard and tried to build a successful business, only to have our ideas stolen by rivals who spied on us and blocked our path to success. Through it all, we persevered. We meditated to calm our minds, found a new niche in tech, and kept moving forward.

It wasn't easy. There were times when we wanted to give up, times when we felt like success would never come. But we refused to let the haters and the obstacles get the best of us. We believed in ourselves and we kept pushing forward.

And in the end, my son found success. He built a thriving business in web development, using his skills and creativity to make a difference in the world. Along the way, he discovered something even more important: his own strength and resilience.

For us, the key to personal growth and fulfillment was simple: never give up. No matter what life throws at you, keep moving forward. Believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, and never let the naysayers get the best of you. With hard work, dedication, and a never-say-die attitude, anything is possible.

So, if you're currently dealing with challenges and setbacks, take inspiration from us. Remember that you possess inner strength and resilience beyond what you may think, and that success is always possible, even in the face of adversity. With perseverance, determination, and a strong sense of purpose, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve your goals. Believe in yourself and trust that you have the heart and determination to reach the success you desire.

Thank you for taking the time to read our article. We hope it has been informative and helpful for you. If you are interested in purchasing our unique and competitive templates or our installation services, please visit our shop on  ko-fi. Thank you again for your support.

We would be delighted to have you visit us and are eager to provide you with our warmest hospitality. If you're interested in booking the room at our inn, please visit our  Airbnb page, where you can submit your booking request and we'll respond promptly. Thank you for considering us, and we hope to have the opportunity to host you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Santosa Laksana