
Conjunctions: How to Use Conjunctions Well and Right

Hello dear readers, I'm pleased to see you back. Reading, listening, speaking, and writing in that order are the correct sequence for learning English.

English is an incredibly important language to learn in today's globalized world, with over 1.5 billion people speaking English worldwide. But it's not just enough to learn the language; it's important to learn it in the correct order of reading, listening, speaking, and writing. This is because each of these skills builds upon the others and helps to reinforce your overall understanding and fluency in the language. For example, if you focus only on reading and writing without developing your listening and speaking skills, you may find it difficult to understand native speakers or communicate effectively in real-life situations. Therefore, it's essential to approach English learning in a comprehensive way that takes into account all four skills.

To improve your English skills, it's important to read a lot, listen a lot, try to speak, and start writing.

Today, I will talk about conjunctions.


Below are words called conjunctions or joining words you must know.

For, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, after, as, as long as, as soon as, as though, before, even if, if, if when, inasmuch, just as, now, now that, once, provided that, since, supposing, that, though, until, whenever, whereas, wherever, which, whichever, who, although, as if, as much as, because, even, even though, if only, if then, in order that, lest, now since, now when, provided, rather than, so that, after all, as a result, consequently, for example, furthermore, hence, in addition, in fact, incidentally, instead, likewise, meanwhile, etc.

Conjunctions are words that connect other words, phrases, and clauses together, making simple sentences more meaningful and clear in their meaning and purpose.

There are four forms of conjunctions, which are equally important in composing the right sentence: coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, and adverbial conjunctions.

1. Coordinating Conjunctions.

Coordinating conjunctions serve as a coordinator, combining or coordinating two or more other words and sentences that have the nature as the main clauses (independent clauses) with grammatical equivalence.

An independent clause is a complete sentence that can stand alone as a sentence. It contains a subject and a predicate and expresses a complete thought. For example, "I went to the store.”

A dependent clause, on the other hand, is not a complete sentence and cannot stand alone as a sentence. It depends on the independent clause to make sense. It contains a subject and a predicate, but it is introduced by a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun. For example, "Although I was tired, I went to the store." Here, "Although I was tired" is a dependent clause, and it cannot stand alone as a sentence. It depends on the independent clause "I went to the store" to make sense.

Earlier English grammarians invented an acronym to help us remember the types of coordinating conjunctions, which are For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, and So, or FANBOYS.

FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) can be used to join two independent clauses. Example: I wanted to go to the beach, but it started raining.

You can also use FANBOYS to join two dependent clauses. Example: Although it was raining, I wanted to go to the beach, so I packed my umbrella.

Another option is to use FANBOYS to join an independent clause and a dependent clause. Example: I went to the beach, and I brought my umbrella in case it rained.

You can also use other coordinating conjunctions such as "either/or," "neither/nor," and "not only/but also." Example: Either we go to the beach or we stay home.

Finally, you can use coordinating conjunctions to join more than two clauses together. Example: I wanted to go to the beach, but it started raining, so I stayed home and watched a movie.


  1. For: Anna is going to the beach early in the morning, for she teaches her students at surfing. Anna was tired when she came home because she had worked hard all day.

  2. And: Anna and Jennifer went to the cinema yesterday while you were sleeping. Anna is making sauces, and Jennifer is grilling the meats. Anna, Jennifer, Jillian, and Meghan are going to the mountain for camping.

  3. Nor: Anna doesn't have a boyfriend, nor do Jennifer, Jillian, and Meghan. Even though Anna is a surfer, she doesn't like to camp at the beach, nor do Jennifer, Jillian, and Meghan. They prefer to camp in the middle of the woods.

  4. But: Anna was going to make a bonfire, but she forgot to bring a match. Luckily, Meghan could do it traditionally. Jennifer tried to climb a tall oak tree, but she didn't make it.

  5. Or: Every night Anna and her three friends sing and dance, or do meditation to unite with the universe. During camping, Anna and her three friends hunt for mushrooms, or explore existing caves.

  6. Yet: Anna was going to make a bonfire, yet she forgot to bring a match. Luckily, Meghan could do it traditionally. Jennifer tried to climb a tall oak tree, yet she didn't make it.

  7. So: So far, Anna has always made time to contact her parents while she was camping, so did Jennifer, Jillian, and Meghan. Anna's birthday is today, so her friends will celebrate it tonight.

Conjunctions are important because they help us connect ideas and convey meaning in a more precise and effective way.

2. Subordinating conjunctions.

Subordinating conjunctions are usually used to start a sentence before the dependent clause, with a comma. However, they can also be placed after the independent clause and before the dependent clause without a comma.

The order of subordinating conjunctions in sentences is as follows:

A subordinating conjunction starts a sentence: subordinating conjunction + dependent clause + comma + independent clause.

  1. Example: Even though the weather was freezing, Anna continued to meditate outside the tent.

Overall structure:

  • "Even though" is a subordinating conjunction.

  • "The weather was freezing" is a dependent clause/subordinate clause.

  • Comma is used before the independent clause.

  • "Anna continued to meditate outside the tent" is the independent clause.

A subordinating conjunction can be placed after the independent clause and before the dependent clause:

Independent clause + subordinating conjunction + dependent clause.

  1. Example: Anna continued to meditate outside the tent even though the weather was freezing.

Overall structure:

  • "Anna continued to meditate outside the tent" is the independent clause.

  • "Even though" is a subordinating conjunction.

  • "The weather was freezing" is a dependent clause/subordinate clause.

Learning more about subordinating conjunctions is important. These words combine dependent clauses with independent clauses, or vice versa. It's important to keep in mind that they can also play a role in prepositions.

Here are some examples of words that are categorized as subordinating conjunctions:

After, As though, If when, Now that, Supposing, Whenever, Who, As, As long as, Before, Inasmuch, Once, That, Whereas, As soon as, Even if, If, Just as, Now, Provided that, Though, Until, Wherever, Since, Which, Although, Even, In order that, Provided, As if, Even though, Lest, Rather than, As much as, If only, Now since, So that, Because, If then, Now when, As far as, Every time, So, Than, Unless, When, Where, While, etc.

The section on subordinating conjunctions provides a basic understanding of how they are used to join dependent and independent clauses. To better illustrate their use in forming complex sentences, here are a few more examples:

  • After she finished her homework, she went to bed.

  • Although he was tired, he stayed up late to finish the project.

  • Because it was raining, we decided to stay inside.

  • Since I have a meeting tomorrow, I can't go out tonight.

These examples demonstrate how subordinating conjunctions like "after," "although," "because," and "since" can be used to link dependent and independent clauses together to form complex sentences.

3. Correlative Conjunctions.

If you understand what compound nouns are, you'll find it easier to remember and understand what correlative conjunctions are.

Examples of compound nouns include blockbuster, snowstorm, blackboard, and firefighter.

Compound nouns are two or more words that are joined into one word.

Compound nouns and correlative conjunctions have something in common; they are both pairs of words. However, correlative conjunctions have a different role than compound nouns.

So, what exactly are correlative conjunctions?

Correlative conjunctions are pairs of words that work to join equal clauses together. They always work together with their pairs.

The following are examples of correlative conjunctions:

either...or, not only...but also, neither...nor, both...and, whether...or, just, the...the,, as, no sooner...than, rather...than, not...but rather.

Examples in sentences:



Anna and her friends either tidied up their tents or organized their stuff to prepare for their return home from camping.

Not only...but also:

Anna is not only agile but also clever.


Neither Anna nor her friends were unhappy when they camped together. They were thrilled and joyful.


Both Anna and Meghan’s team, as well as Jennifer and Jillian’s team, raced down the hill. However, Meghan's team won the race.


Anna and her friends passed a beautiful and clear lake. They will decide whether to stay one night or more by voting.


Just as men like to practice boxing, so Anna is deepening her skills in surfing.


The more proficient Anna is at surfing, the more obvious it will be that she can conquer the fierce waves in Nazare, Portugal.

Anna’s gliding speed when surfing is as fast as a swimming dolphin.


Anna must muster as much courage as possible to face the competition on the beaches of Nazare, Portugal, where the waves are very fierce and high.

No sooner...than:

No sooner did Anna arrive at the beach than gigantic waves greeted her.


Anna would rather surf than swim, as would her friends.

Not...but rather:

Anna teaches surfing not to those who love it, but rather to those who have a goal of competing.

To help you check your writing, such as writing style, grammar, punctuation, readability, etc., try using the grammar checker software ProWritingAid. It's free.

In the section on correlative conjunctions, they can be used to join words or phrases together, such as "both...and" or "not only...but also." Additionally, examples of how correlative conjunctions can be used to join clauses, such as "either...or" or "neither...nor," would further clarify their usage.

4. Adverbial conjunctions.

Adverbial conjunctions, also known as conjunctive adverbs, are conjunctions that contain adverbs and join words, phrases, and clauses in a sentence in the same way that conjunctions do. 

They provide transitions between ideas and can clarify relationships between them.

Below is a list of common adverbial conjunctions, also known as transition words:

After all, As a result, Consequently, Finally, For example, Furthermore, Hence, However, In addition, In fact, Incidentally, Indeed, Instead, Likewise, Meanwhile.

Here are some examples of how they are used:

  • After all: Anna has to pick up her friends to practice surfing; after all, she’s the only one with a car.

  • As a result: Anna never stops training herself with new surf tricks every day. As a result, she became the first champion in a surfing competition.

  • Consequently: Anna is exposed to the sun every day on the beach; consequently, her white skin becomes brownish black.

  • Finally: Anna continued to slide away from the beach into the middle of the sea; she finally got the waves she wanted to be able to stand on her surfboard.

  • Meanwhile: Anna’s students are practicing surfing; meanwhile, Anna is watching them from the shore.

Complete! That concludes my review of the four types of conjunctions.

I welcome constructive criticism if there are any shortcomings or mistakes in my writing. Please feel free to leave your comments in the comment section below.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog, dear reader. I appreciate and value your support.

I hope you have a wonderful day!

Best regards,

Santosa Laksana.

Clauses: Characters of Clauses and How to Structure Them

Hello dear reader, welcome back! Today we will be discussing clauses and their importance in speech and writing. Understanding clauses is crucial to creating interesting and effective language.

To begin with, a clause is a complete sentence or group of words that includes a subject and a verb. It can also have an object that serves as additional information, and its typical arrangement is subject + verb (+ object).

There are two types of clauses: independent clauses and dependent clauses.

An independent clause is a complete sentence that can stand alone and is punctuated accordingly.

On the other hand, a dependent clause is a sentence that cannot stand on its own and must be joined with an independent clause using a subordinate conjunction, such as although, since, if, when, because, etc. Dependent clauses provide added information to independent clauses.

Here are some examples of sentences using clauses, independent clauses, and dependent clauses:

Examples of clauses (subject + verb):

  • Anna is swimming.
  • Anna is surfing.
  • Anna ran away.
  • Anna is driving.

Examples of clauses with objects (subject + verb + object):

  • Anna is swimming at the beach.
  • Anna is surfing on the surfboard.
  • Anna ran away from her friends.
  • Anna is driving her car.

Examples of independent clauses:

  • Anna is swimming.
  • Anna is surfing.
  • Anna ran away.
  • Anna is driving.

Examples of dependent clauses:

  • Because Anna is swimming...
  • When Anna is surfing...
  • Since Anna ran away...
  • Although Anna is driving...

Dependent clauses can also function as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs:

Clauses as a noun:

  • Anna forgot what she did last night. (What she did last night serves as a noun.)
  • Anna achieved what she wanted yesterday. (Similar to saying "Anna achieved her goals.")

Clauses as an adjective:

  • Anna, who is brave with the ocean waves, is surfing on the fierce waves. (The clause "who is brave with the ocean waves" describes how Anna is.)
  • Anna, who loves her family, always brings foods her family loves. (The clause "who loves her family" serves as an adjective.)

Clauses as an adverb:

  • Anna jumped off her surfboard when a giant wave hit her. (The clause "when a giant wave hit her" explains when Anna jumped off.)
  • Anna was coming home when her mother called her. (The clause "when her mother called her" functions as an adverb.)

In conclusion, being able to read, listen, speak, and write English is a wonderful skill to have, and using tools like ProWritingAid can make proofreading and editing your writing much easier.

Thank you for reading, and have a great day!

Best regards,
Santosa Laksana

Bad Adverbs: How to Recognize and Avoid Bad Adverbs?

To Recall... Adverbs are devices that add color and refine the meaning of verbs, adjectives, and even sentences. They can modify words and change their meaning.

If you don’t know what adverbs are, please visit my earlier article here.

What are bad adverbs?

A bad adverb shows or modifies a weak verb or adjective in your writing, which you could replace with a stronger one.


Weak adverb: Anna ran quickly to the library.
Strong adverb: Anna rushed to the library.

Overusing adverbs can degrade your writing quality and show laziness.

Not all adverbs end in "ly." Some examples are: afterward, already, almost, back, better, best, even, far, fast, hard, here, how, late, long, low, more, near, never, next, now, often, quick, rather, slow, so, soon, still, then, today, tomorrow, too, very, well, where, yesterday.

There are three categories of bad adverbs:

A. Redundant adverb with the verb it alters.

Example: Anna whispered quietly to her boyfriend.
Correct: Anna whispered to her boyfriend.

B. Adverbs that alter a weak verb or adjective.

Example: Anna talked quietly to her boyfriend.
Strong verb: Anna whispered to her boyfriend.

C. Adverb that doesn't provide solid information.

Examples: extremely, definitely, truly, very, and really.

What are good adverbs?

Good adverbs provide clarity and add meaning to your text.


Adverbs that give new information about the time.
Example: Anna came early to the beach to avoid the crowd.

Adverbs that replace clunky words.
Example: Anna held her mother's hand gently.

Done! Keep it up, dear readers. May you become great writers.

"ProWritingAid just highlights the bad adverbs in your writing so you can replace them as necessary." 

-Use ProWritingAid to proofread and edit your writing-

Santosa Laksana.

Understanding Articles: What They Are and How to Use Them

Hello, friends! Today, we'll discuss articles - "a," "an," and "the."

Indefinite articles "a" and "an" are used for singular and non-specific nouns. Use "a" before consonant sounds, and "an" before vowel sounds.

Definite article "the" is used for specific nouns, both singular and plural. It can be used with countable and uncountable nouns.

Articles are determiners that show whether a noun is general or specific. 

Here are some examples:

A) "A" and "an" examples:

  • Anna bought a doll and kicked a ball.
  • Anna joins an organization and bought an umbrella.

B) "The" examples:

  • Anna went to the beach alone.
  • Anna walks on the red carpet.
  • Anna watched the movie "The Blue Arrow."
  • Anna answered, "The cars are blue."

Don't overlook the importance of articles in your writing. Thank you for reading, and see you soon for a discussion on bad adverbs to avoid.

Santosa Laksana

Anaphora: The Power of Two Good Friends

Because of two good friends, I can save my life.

Because of two good friends, I can move on with my life.

Because of two good friends, I could save my son's behavior, attitude, and character.

Because of two good friends, I can improve my life.

Because of two good friends, I can realize my dream.

Because of two good friends, I can smile.

Because of two good friends, I can feel happy.

Because of two good friends, I can eat.

Because of two good friends, I can keep learning.

Because of two good friends, I can sleep well.

Because of two good friends, I can keep writing.

Thanks to two amazing friends of mine who live far away, I can say that my son's behavior, attitude, and character have improved, I can move on with my life, and I can even pursue my dream of becoming a writer. I owe everything to them.

Because of these two friends, I can smile, feel happy, eat, keep learning, sleep well, and keep writing. I pray for their good health, happiness, and success, and I hope that God, Buddha, and the Beautiful Universe will always bless, protect, and love them.

To express my gratitude and emotions, I have used a rhetorical device called "anaphora." By repeating the same word or phrase at the beginning of each sentence, I hope to create a powerful cadence and emphasis that will stick with my friends forever. They saved my son's and my life, and I want them to know that they are truly special.

Anaphora is a popular rhetorical device that many writers, poets, and speakers use to add emotional impact and make their words memorable. By repeating key words, you can create a powerful message that resonates with your audience.


Examples of anaphora include Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, Charles Dickens' "A Tale of Two Cities," Winston Churchill's "We Shall Fight on the Beaches" speech, and The Police's "Every Breath You Take."

In conclusion, anaphora is a great tool for writers who want to make their words more impactful and memorable. If you want to add emotional weight to your message, consider using repetition to emphasize key words and phrases.

Santosa Laksana.

The Art of Adverbs: What's an Adverb and How to Use It In a Sentence?

Writing is an Art - Not a Science.

Like painting, writing is an art that allows us to express our ideas and emotions. While painting uses shapes, lines, colors, tones, and textures on a medium or surface to create a two-dimensional or three-dimensional visual representation — writing uses words to convey meaning and evoke emotions.

In linguistics and grammar, a complete sentence consists of a subject and a predicate, and sometimes an object, and it should follow certain rules of grammar, including punctuation and mechanics.

Adverbs play a crucial role in writing. They add color and refine the meaning of verbs, adjectives, and even entire sentences. Adverbs are modifiers, and writers use them to enhance the reader's understanding of the text.

  • Anna walked quickly to the office. "Quickly" modifies the verb "walked."
  • Anna rides her horse very comfortably. "Very" modifies the adjective "comfortable."
  • Anna is riding her horse somewhat cautiously. "Somewhat" modifies the adverb "cautiously."
  • Unfortunately, Anna can't make it to our party. "Unfortunately" modifies the entire sentence.

Not all adverbs end with "-ly." Some examples include afterward, already, almost, back, better, best, even, far, fast, hard, here, how, late, long, low, more, near, never, next, now, often, quick, rather, slow, so, soon, still, then, today, tomorrow, too, very, well, where, yesterday.

Although adverbs can enhance a sentence, using redundant adverbs is unnecessary.


  • Anna sprints quickly to chase her dog. "Quickly" is redundant because sprinting is always quick.
  • Anna pouts sadly at the loss of her shoes. "Sadly" is redundant because pouting is always sad.

Writers should use adverbs thoughtfully and sparingly.

When to use an adverb: 

To add context or new information, such as showing time and place.

Example: Anna came early to her friend's wedding rehearsal.

To replace clunky phrasing.

Example: Anna gently pulled her sister's hand.

When other words won't work.

Example: He was crying happily.

When to replace an adverb:

When it restates part of the word it modifies or is redundant.

Example: Anna whispered to her sister.

When it changes a vague or weak verb.

Example: Anna screamed for help as the water gushed in.

When you use "very" or "really."

Example: The humongous elephant.

If you want to remove adverbs from your writing, consider using ProWritingAid, which can help identify adverbs and suggest alternative ways to express yourself.

Writing is an art that requires skill, practice, and patience. Adverbs can enhance your writing, but it's crucial to use them thoughtfully and sparingly. Keep writing, and don't be afraid to experiment with different techniques to improve your craft.

Best regards,
Santosa Laksana.

Comprehensive Guide to Adjectives in English Grammar

Are you a non-native English speaker aspiring to become a writer, proofreader, or editor in English? If so, a comprehensive understanding of English grammar is crucial to your success, especially in learning about adjectives.

Adjectives are one of the 22 types of grammar that I learned from the grammar guide on ProWritingAid. To perfect your grammar understanding and skills, it is essential to have an overall understanding of what adjectives are.

Here are five complete explanations of what adjectives are:

1. Adjectives are words that modify or describe nouns.
2. Adjectives can describe the qualities of nouns.
3. Adjectives can describe the quantity of nouns.
4. Adjectives come in three forms: absolute, comparative, and superlative.
5. Adjectives have strong and weak forms.

Below are example sentences and an explanation of each:

1. Adjectives are words that modify or describe nouns.

Based on my research, adjectives only describe or modify nouns. They do not describe or modify verbs, adverbs, or other adjectives.

2. Adjectives can describe the qualities of nouns.

Adjectives can describe the qualities of nouns, such as size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose, or an opinion on something.

For example:
  • Anna has a large house. (The word "large" describes the quality of the house.)
  • Anna is tall. (The word "tall" describes the quality of Anna.)
  • Anna's car was blue. (The word "blue" describes the quality of Anna's car.)
  • Anna's dog was lovely. (The word "lovely" describes the quality of the dog.)

3. Adjectives can describe the quantity of nouns.

Adjectives can describe the quantity of nouns to describe the number of something.

For example:
  • Anna has many horses. (The word "many" describes the quantity of the horses.)
  • Anna's house is surrounded by many mountains. (The word "many" describes the quantity of the mountains.)

4. Adjectives come in three forms: absolute, comparative, and superlative.

Absolute adjectives cannot compare two or more things.

For example:
  • Anna is beautiful. "Beautiful" describes Anna as a subject. She's not being compared to anything else.
  • Anna is tall. "Tall" describes Anna as a subject. She's not being compared to anything else.

Comparative adjectives compare two or more things.

For example:
  • Anna is more beautiful than her friend, Cloe. The comparative adjective "more beautiful" is used to compare Anna's beauty factor to her friend, Cloe. Anna comes out on top.
  • Anna is taller than Cloe. The comparative adjective "taller" is used to compare Ana's tall factor to her friend, Cloe.
For one-syllable adjectives, you can form their comparative forms by adding the suffix "er" to them. For two-syllable adjectives that end with "y" (e.g., happy), drop the "y" and add "ier" (happier). For multisyllabic adjectives, add the word "more" as a modifier.

Superlative adjectives show something that has the highest quality.

For example:
  • Anna is the most beautiful among her friends. The superlative adjective "most beautiful" shows that Anna has peak levels of beauty. Her friends can't be "more beautiful" than Anna.
  • Anna is the tallest among her friends. The superlative adjective "tallest" shows that Anna has achieved peak levels of "tall". Her friends can't be "taller" than Anna.

5. Adjectives" can be either strong, providing clear and specific images of the things they describe, or weak and unclear.

Examples of strong and weak adjectives:
  • Anna is very happy. (Weak adjective)
  • Anna is ecstatic. (Strong adjective)
  • Today's weather is very hot. (Weak adjective)
  • Today's weather is sweltering. (Strong adjective)
  • Anna will be very glad to see her friend, Cloe. (Weak adjective)
  • Anna will be delighted to see her friend, Cloe. (Strong adjective)
  • Anna is very funny. (Weak adjective)
  • Anna is hilarious. (Strong adjective)

When choosing adjectives, it's important to use strong adjectives that accurately convey your intended meaning.

However, there are cases where weak adjectives can be used to soften your writing and make it more elegant.

For instance:
  • Even though I was so tired and my body was full of wounds, I felt great; I finally got to the peak of the Himalayas.
  • Even though I was so tired and my body was full of wounds, I felt good; I finally got to the peak of the Himalayas.
  • Even though I was so tired and my body was full of wounds, I felt pretty good; I finally got to the peak of the Himalayas.

These examples show that weaker adjectives can help illustrate situations that are in the middle of the continuum between perfect and worst. In this case, "pretty good" means you're okay, but not at 100%.

Best regards,
Santosa Laksana.

Smiling Through the Pandemic: My Journey to Capture Heartfelt Smiles in Photos

On a sunny day, the lush green leaves of the trees were picturesque. The view of the garden and pine trees was clearly visible from my house window. After finishing my gardening work of weeding, fertilizing, and watering at 12:30 pm, I realized I needed to work harder during the Covid-19 pandemic as my garden was my only source of income. With no guests at my inn, the current atmosphere was filled with anguish, impatience, grief, friction, rivalry, and personal prestige, making it hard for people to smile. However, I decided to smile wholeheartedly to spread joy and took a picture with my digital camera.

I sat in front of the dragon statue, a relic from my parents' era, and struggled to smile genuinely for the camera. Negative moods from the outside made it difficult, but I persisted until my lips vibrated. Even a forced smile can look genuine.

This photograph is the perfect result of my countless attempts to practice the heartfelt-smile. I lost count, maybe it was the 60th or more, but I finally achieved a sweet smile. I realized my cheek muscles had become rigid from lack of use. Even when I tried to smile, my face would vibrate and tremble. But I persisted, determined to create a smiley face that I could share with everyone.

Wow! You rock! Thank you for reading. It's a familiar routine for my dog, Blackxi, to approach me whenever I'm relaxing in the wide doorway of my home. While taking selfies, I picked her up and put her in my lap. Though she wasn't fond of it, I managed to pose with her for a photo. Unfortunately, she didn't look at the camera and I had to smile alone.

There's always a second chance, and I believe in that idiom. I was ready to take another selfie with Blackxi and gently coaxed her to look at the camera. With my index finger poised on the shutter button, I clicked as soon as she turned her head. But alas, the shot was a miss as Blackxi turned her head even further to the left. Once again, I ended up smiling alone in the photo.

"Don't give up... Don't give up...! You can break the rule about second chances and keep trying," I told myself. I decided to try again, this time with more excitement to capture Blackxi's attention. I practiced smiling for a few minutes, trying to make it look as excited as possible. Finally, I felt ready. I lifted Blackxi onto my lap and pointed her towards the camera, maintaining my excited smile. I clicked the shutter button, hoping for the best... but she still didn't want to look at the camera. Despite my efforts, I ended up smiling alone once again.

Patience is key... Patience will bring happiness. I gently shook Blackxi, rocked her, and stroked her fur softly. She tried to jump off my lap, but I held her tightly. My right hand was starting to feel sore from holding the camera for so long. I kept telling myself, "If Blackxi and I can smile together in front of the camera, it will bring joy to my blog's visitors." Finally, I saw that she was looking at the camera, so I quickly pressed the shutter button - CLICK...-! Here, I smiled shyly with relief. I almost gave up, but patience paid off.

Do dogs feel shy when looking at the camera, or are they not confident about being photographed? Half-obsessed, I tried once more to capture a shot with a confident feeling, smiling with full confidence! I lifted my chest, and so did Blackxi. I filled myself with a sense of belief that this was going to succeed. I strengthened my smile and kept my chest upright while lifting Blackxi's body and pointing her towards the camera lens.

Now, I understand my dog Blackxi's personality. She loves playing around me, but she doesn't like being carried or photographed. Despite this, I kept trying to take a selfie with her, smiling with all my might. But then, I had an epiphany! I am an unstoppable force in the universe. I won't give up until I achieve my goal. I was determined to capture a heartfelt smile on both of our faces, which I can share with the world and make you smile. And finally, here it is, the photograph below!

I managed to make Blackxi look at the camera by using my hand. Yes... I am an unstoppable force of the universe.

I felt satisfied with the photos I took with Blackxi, so I released her to play around me. However, she just sat on the floor next to me. I decided to spend my spare time in the afternoon reading a novel by C.J. Sansom called "The Winter in Madrid." But, I didn't want to miss capturing this moment and turning it into a beautiful memory for the future. So, I grabbed my digital camera once again and decided to take a picture in the style of social media pictures, featuring my legs and feet. As I posed for the photo, I smiled to myself.

I was intrigued to photograph my legs and feet, so I took a picture. CLICK...! Oh my God...! My feet looked so sad, terrible...! But once again, I reminded myself that I am an unstoppable force of the universe. I must be able to make my feet smile cheerfully. With this belief, I managed to take a perfect selfie with my dog, and my feet also looked great in the picture. You can see the picture below.

I hope to share my happiness with a heartfelt smile that I have successfully achieved. And if you are happy after reading this story, please be generous and share it with your friends. That's all from me...I'm okay! Thanks.

Best of luck to you!
Santosa Laksana

Finding Peace and Happiness in the Garden


In the morning, I waited for work in the garden, sitting at the doorway of my guest house that lacked a door. Facing east, I watched the sunrise through a wide window that was also doorless. Two gigantic pine trees stood before me, with weasels running up their trunks, chasing each other. The cool air wrapped around me, bringing me a sense of peace and happiness.

My vegetables grow healthy, without diseases or pests. I could already picture the future harvest. In the past, sadness and disappointment had been my companions, but today they had vanished, replaced by self-esteem and pride. Gratefulness filled me, and I felt optimistic about the future.

As I sat there, I contemplated the growth of happiness and peacefulness within myself. No matter what happened, no matter the cheap price of my yields, I would keep planting and cultivating my happiness. Despite the dislike and the obstacles of others, I would move forward.

When my son called me to work, I rose and replied, "Yes, I'm excited, let's go."

Best of luck to you!
Santosa Laksana